
The jewels of the city

Their history dates back to several thousand years. Ancient Greeks have built stone wells above springs, and they assumed these had a magical power. The statues of Greek gods and goddesses were an integral part of these fountains. Ancient Romans overtook the Greek style, this was how the ancient Roman fountains were born. Western fountain culture developed on these bases. In our days fountains are the symbols of sedation and harmony, besides being unique pieces of art.

GardeMatic FOUNTAINS has been designing and developing fountains for more than 20 years.

Classic Fountains

The world of outdoor fountains

There are plenty of chances to find a place for a fountain. Most obvious places are roundabouts, main squares, isles separating 2 sides of a road, parks, or lakes.

The static water feature is a typical earmark of classic fountains. It is not the changing of the waterscape, that causes the impression, but the form, resplendence of water, and the collision of water and stone. These fountains are in most cases decorated by stone, bronze, or glass artwork.

Dynamic Fountains

“when water gets moving”

Development of fountain technology resulted the appearance of dynamic fountains at the very end of the 20th century. Revolutionary new technologies are mixed with classic solutions. The architectural elements and artworks are maintained , but the effects are increased by the new technologies’ widened possibilities, amazing effects. Dynamic fountains use electric and electro-mechanic controls. This enables to create multiple choreography, as well as the change of the trajectory of the nozzles.

Animated Fountains

”dancing water”

Animated fountains are provided by the whole range of technological innovations of the 21st century. Robotics appeared in fountain – technology. Nozzles started to move by the help of it, the waterscape is able to move in 3 dimensions. This technology enabled to create complete shows with sound – and light accompaniment. There are hundreds of solenoid valves and electric motors working in the background in case of a fascinating show.

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